This information is to support our families with any COVID- 19 queries, and what you need to do. Please note that we will update this information regularly, based on any updated guidelines from the Ministries of Education & Health.
Who do we advise if my child tests positive for Covid-19?
Please let the school know ASAP , you can email us at or call us on 04 562 8409 / 027 531 1772
If your child gets Covid-19 symptoms again and it has been 28 days or fewer since a previous infection (either from when they tested positive or since they first had symptoms) then they are at low risk and do not need to take another test. They should stay home and recover, until 24 hours after they no longer have symptoms
If your child has Covid-19 symptoms again and it has been 29 days or more since a previous infection, they should take a RAT. If it is positive, they must self-isolate and follow the same advice as for their first infection.
Doesn't the Ministry of Heath or Ministry of Education let schools know about cases?
No, with no contact tracing now required in the community or at schools, schools rely on parents advising us of cases.
What actions does the school take when there is a positive case?
We follow a response plan based on guidance from the Ministry of Education & Ministry of Health.
This involves:
Seeking confirmation from you of the symptoms of the positive case, and when the infectious period was
We hold this information confidentially
My child is a Household Contact. What does this mean?
The isolation is a 7 day isolation period now required. Anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 will be required to be away from school for the following seven days.
Day 0 is the day symptoms began or the day the test was taken (whichever came first). Cases isolate for a full seven days and are free to return to school on Day 8, if they are symptom free. Household contacts are required to isolate for the same seven days as the positive case. Household contacts take a rapid antigen test (RAT) on Day 3 and Day 7 of the isolation period.
Household contacts can return to school on the same day as the first case in their household, so long as all test results have been negative, and they have no symptoms. If either of your child's tests come back positive, please let us know.
If your child is at school when they become a Household Contact, they will need to go home as quickly as possible. Please phone ahead to the office to arrange this (04 562 8409).
My child is feeling unwell (e.g. cough, headache, sore throat etc) Can I still send them to school?
Because these are all symptoms of Covid, please do not send your child to school. While these may be the normal bugs/sniffles that occur, we encourage you to get your child tested.
Returning to school
If your child still has symptoms after their isolation period has ended, they should continue to stay home and recover. This should be until 24 hours after symptoms resolve. You do not need to provide evidence of a negative RAT to return to school.
Is it safe to send my child to school?
We encourage you to send them to school as much as you can. We really want to see everyone at school as much as possible. Our school health and safety plan for Red contains a wide range of protections.
What are you doing to keep my child safe?
All staff, volunteers, and contractors on site are vaccinated
We have state of the art air purification machines arriving, and CO2 monitors in each classroom.
Staff and students in Year 4 and above are wearing masks
My child is anxious or scared. What advice do you have?
Our onsite team are working hard to make school fun, safe and a place of learning. We encourage you to focus on the things that they can do to help; mask-wearing, washing hands, getting a test (if required). This website has some useful tips -