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Kapahaka and Te Reo @ Muritai

Me Tū Rangatira Tātou

Be the Best We Can Be

Kapahaka @ Muritai

We have two Kapa Haka rōpū at Muritai School, our whole school community group which is open to whānau and all year levels, and our performance group which is an option for all students from Year 3 - Year 8.


The whole school community group is run every Wednesday from 8:30am - 9:00am in the school wharenui (hall). Students from Year 1 - Year 8 and their whānau are welcome to attend. We learn a variety of waiata - hīmene, waiata-a-ringa, haka - and also kēmu (games). Te Reo Māori is naturally embedded into these sessions.


The Kapa Haka Performance rōpū is an option for all students from Year 3 - Year 8. This continues from 9am - 10am every Wednesday in the school hall. This rōpū learns and refines a variety of waiata and haka to a high performance standard. Performances are done within the school, the community and the region with participation in performances such as the local Hutt Fest. 


Here is a video of our Hutt Fest performance from 2021 with our Performance rōpū.

Day 1 Highlights Hutt Fest 2022
(Whole video still to come)

Hutt Fest 2022 Full Videos

Te Reo @ Muritai

Here at Muritai you will see and hear Te Reo Māori across the school in the classrooms in different ways.

  • Pepeha - Students learning to share their whakapapa and land connections.

  • Classroom commands and instructions

  • Mahi Toi - Visual Arts

  • Kapa Haka - Waiata & Haka, Rākau, Poi and Tīra

  • Karakia - To start the day, before kai (food) and to end the day.

  • Te Reo incorporated into learning and inquiries - learning ingoa (names, objects, locations, colours, numbers, etc 

  • School Haka

  • School Song

Karakia Tīmatanga - Beginning Karakia

Karakia Whakamutunga - Ending Karakia

Te Reo Learning

Te Reo Māori is always incorporated into our classroom and school programmes but it is explicity celebrated during Matariki (Māori New Year) and Māori Language Week.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi is used as a tool for learning every year to develop classroom treaties and expectations.

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Muritai School Haka

Muritai School Song

Muritai  School Song.png

Tīkanga Māori

Mihi Whakatu

We welcome our new students, staff and whānau with a whole school mihi whakatau in our school wharenui.  This is a time to come together and build partnerships with our manuhiri who are becoming tangata whenua with us at our school.

Our students take on lead roles to welcome our manuhiri, and are supported by the staff.



Our newly developed karakia are being introduced to our classrooms and are used to start and end the day. We also have the use of various Karakia Kai for before lunchtime eating.

For any pātai (questions) surrounding this please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Kia kaha ki te kōrero Māori!

Matariki Dance
Matariki is such a special time and we hope your students enjoy coming together to take part and gain a deeper understanding of the meaning of Matariki through their involvement in the NZ Dance Challenge. 

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