Howie Learn
Howie Learn
We have been working hard to develop our learning ecology and framework and to ensure that we can make a difference we have developed a character called Howie Learn
About Howie
HOWIE LEARN has been a long time in the making. Staff and children were all heavily involved in developing the HOWIE character and concept through brainstorming, rich discussion, and evaluations. HOWIE was initially developed through our Professional Development Programme where staff observed effective and best practice at other highly successful schools. The idea was developed to meet the needs for the teaching of higher order thinking skills and the habits and values at Muritai School. It has been a wonderful and fascinating process.
The key aims for HOWIE is to ensure a continued shared understanding for children, staff and the wider community on what the journey for students at Muritai School looks like, and what the expectations of the students are, and to do so in a way that children could understand and relate to.
There are two HOWIE LEARN characters - a junior and senior HOWIE. The idea to develop two HOWIE characters was to demonstrate visually the huge changes our students go through during their primary educational years and to best meet the needs of each student in order for them to relate to HOWIE and his tools for learning.
Who is Howie?
HOWIE is a character that assists our students to identify, relate to and understand the multitude of skills, values and knowledge that they will acquire during their 'educational journey' at Muritai School. HOWIE provides a child friendly means to promote an understanding for the importance of higher order thinking, values, habits of mind, 4 Pillars of learning, the 4C's and the CARE programme. HOWIE is a 'model' student - not a perfect student, but someone who can be used to illustrate and reflect on all the challenges other students face and illustrate how they can respond to challenge and learn and grow.
"HOWIE is a teaching and learning tool to enable our students to be the best that they can be."
Why was Howie Developed?
HOWIE was developed so that the children, staff and wider community, could have a 'shared understanding' of the teaching and learning that happens across the eight year groups at Muritai School.
HOWIE is a vehicle that teachers utilise so children gain a greater understanding of -
School wide 'Habits of Mind' and 'Values'
CARE programme
Code of Behaviour
Self Esteem and Self Belief
Goal Setting and Self/Peer Evaluation
Key competencies
The 4 Pillars
Higher Order Thinking
Differentiated Learning
Deeper Learning
HOWIE is displayed next to teaching stations in all classrooms. There are additional displays in the Library, ICT Lab, reading recovery and learning support rooms, and school office.
"HOWIE is a character that enables us to illustrate to the students the multitude of skills, values and knowledge that they will acquire during their educational journey at Muritai School."